onsdag 25 augusti 2010

Long Slim Cayenne, Rocoto Orange and Chocolate Jolokia pod pictures.

Rocoto Orange, (Capsicum Pubescens).
The pods of this species are really heavy compared to the other Capsicum Species.

Long Slim Cayenne (Capsicum Annuum)
I like the looks of the pods of this variety. Pod look is a bit unpredictable. The taste was not as good as the looks. But I dried one Cayenne and was surprised. Some pods just need right type of conservation to be fully appreciated. This one needs drying to my humble opinion.

Chocolate Jolokia (Capsicum Chinense) I am still a bit skeptical about this one. All unmature pods are very bright compared to the B. Jolokia Pods. The taste is about the same but less heat to my experience. But it differs from pod to pod.

I dont just grow peppers. The idea behind my growing hobby is to learn from it and to live of what nature can give you.

This pair belong to the species of ( Morus Nigra). I saw a Morus Nigra on the island of Gotland and got overexcited. I used to live of the berries from this tree when I was a small child. It definately was my favourite. I am having a ridicolous hope of transplanting one of these on my good friend Carls summer retreat. I know a good spot. But it will be done in two years or so. It still needs some growth. I should say Carl have his summer retreat 59 degrees north of the equator.

I also planted a blackberry Bush for two years ago. I am starting to get fruits and am a bit excited about it. It is not much. But it means a lot to me. Blackberries are also something I am very fond of. I guess you could say I like sweet things from nature. I of course, do not have space for such a bush. So I sneak planted this on municipal ground.
Hoping no one will care if
I get a late September vitamine rush from an illegal planted Black Berry bush.

I also have a good tomato variety. This is a cherry tomato variety. Last year it produced 100 tomatoes for me. This year I was late and it is on 50. I like to pick one or two for breakfast. Good and easy vegetable source. Everyone should grow one. This variety have never been attacked by aphids for some reasons.

It is probably pretty easy to guess where I live. And where my plants have been most of the time this summer.

Time to get rid of some plants. Need to sell a Red Savina and a Caribbean Red.

I have little space. And need to get rid of some plants since colder temperature is upon us. And I do not have the space required indoors. I simply have got rid of some plants that is worth selling.

This Piquin was bought my neighbour. I asked him if he wanted to buy and he was pretty quick to respond positively.
But before he got the plant I took my share of the pods for the future and also for some seasoning. I can strongly recommend Piquin. Easy to conserve the pods, just dry them. Pretty ok taste. Especially when dried.
The second plant he claimed for himself was this Bishops Hat in perfect condition. With around 30-40 pods still hanging. I took my share of pods for seeds so I do not go empty handed. I have maybe eaten around 20 pods from this plant for myself.

A friend from work also claimed one plant for himself. He wanted the real strong strong stuff and the Naga Morich is getting transported to his home tomorrow.

Unfortunately I still have some plants left that I need to get rid of. One is this Caribbean Red in a 1,5 litre container. I count up to 10 Pods hanging on it at the moment. I took around 5 pods for seeds and conservation. Selling price is 100 kr. Contact me on salemsson.michael@gmail.com
I have also two red Savinas. This one is in excellent condition with around 20 pods hanging in which 3 pods are mature. I am selling this one for 150 kr to someone who has some artificial light preferrably or intend to get it.

söndag 22 augusti 2010

Some Pod Pictures.

Piementa De Neyde ( Capsicum Chinense X Capsicum Annuum) got some variation of its pods.

7 Pod or 7 Pot ( Capsicum Chinense) pods close to maturity. I think it is a matter of one or two weeks. I have looked forward to taste this one. Will be very interesting to compare it to Chocolate Jolokia, B. Jolokia and the Naga Morich.

Experiment with chile peppers on the head. A pretty stupid idea.

I must admit I have always been the experimental guy. Where others have been inhibited due to norms or hegemonical supression. I have been willing to try ideas that might seem reasonable. With that said, I tried such an idea for a week ago. The theory behind the idea was definately questionable, but I was still too curious about it. I was a bit ashamed to tell of it on the blog until now. The reason of that I decided to write about it. Is that I think there are some meaningful lessons to be taught from this risky, painful and rather stupid endavour.

I am starting to get bald in real. As such I was thinking, maybe an increase in blood circulation on the affected areas can somehow be used to slow down the baldness process? Or even better, get lost hair back? Even though it is not even reasonable theoretically I felt that I did not need more motivation. I sliced up a Red Caribbean ( scoville around 0,3-0,45 Megascoville). Then started to rub it in in my skull. Thoroughly.

What happened then is that I realized pretty quickly that I got more heat then I could ever imagine. It is one thing to get a chile pepper in the mouth. Most of my taste cells are probably burned out or something. But having it on the skull was even worse then getting it on the "mojo". I was in furious pain. I normally do not panic. But the situation was dire. Neighbour rushed in to help. My head was under ice cold shower. I had a towel around my face to try to avoid any water "trickling into my eyes" and cause more damage then necessary.

My neighbours mom had grown up during the world war II. She had the calmness needed in this situation. She took some soured milk and put it in a towel and bathed my head in it. It took off some heat for 1-2 minutes. But then we changed the towel and repeated the sour milk process.
This whole burning procedure continued for about 30-50 minutes. In the beginning I was just using water to remove the unsufferable heat from the skull. But then that was not enough and the sour milk process was initiated.

All of all 2 litres of sour milk was used to save my skull and the need of calling for an ambulance. I am serious when I write this. The pain on the head was ridicolous.

When most of the heat had reduced it felt like having had sex for 3-5 hours a hot summer day.

My mind and body was physically exhausted. But I also had a tremendous endorphine kick of my lifetime. I just needed to lay down and forget about the world for a while.

Red Caribbean chile pepper are not supposed to be rubbed in the head. That is for sure.

Harvest time...

Time to harvest my Beastly Chocolate Scotch Bonnet.

The plant to the left have done two things. One is to produce a massive amount of Pods. I think I got up to 80 pods out of this plant. Meaning I have mr Wilbur Scoville as a dinner guest for some years ahead. All I need to do is to take some pod meat out of the freezer.
The second thing it did, was to burn my hands and my "mojo" today. I am not sure if it did so intentionally or not. In either case some of my limbs are burning up. And it is a quite unpleasant experience.

I can not be blamed to be a good photographer. What I can do for you is to try to write some
useful or interesting inputs. So you guys have to bear with me on my photo skills .

The pods on the Plate is Naga Morich Pods. The two funny pods in the left corner are Bishops Hat. They ended up in my stomach shortly after this photo. The red pods in the right corner are Red Savina pods. And the brown ( 3 were more blackish) are the Chocolate Scotch Bonnet pods. All are of the Capsicum Chinense species, except the Bishops Hat that is Capsicum Baccatum.

tisdag 10 augusti 2010

Making the first sauce..."sweet kiss from the tropics"

Time to get serious. Conserving chile peppers in one form or another is part of a growers job. Having a good plan for that is equally essential as the growing part. Picking chile peppers are also important. Timing is everything here. Having the peppers hanging on the plants for too long can seriously damage flavour and affect the strength. Sometimes it increases the strength, but I have experienced decrease in strength as well. That was the case with Piquin.

I looked up a good recipe from a famous chile pepper book. Being kind of experimental I decided I would use my own imagination a bit.

I would make a sauce based on 3 Naga Morich, 2 long slim Cayenne, 11 chocolate scotch Bonnet, and 2 red savinas. This would become one hot sauce. But hopefully still useful.

The recipe that inspired me was this one below. Though I modified it by adding 2 banans and a peach instead of carrots.

First part is to preserve the seeds. Here you can see 2 Naga Morich has been opened. These pods was 5 cm each. Pretty good. Interesting to notice that some seeds was blackish. No idea if black seeds mean no germination seed. I will save some to explore that question in the future.

I chopped a lot of chile peppers, taking out the seeds and preserving them in coffee filters for the future. This is one hot plate infront of me. Using protecting gloves when handling these type of chile fruits, and the amount of it, feels just....right somehow.

A vital part in making sauces is to have sterile containers. A simple glass container was put in the water and put on the heater. Time to kill some bacterias and spores. Byebye my sweet little friends. But I dont want you in my coming sauce.

Notice that the head of the blender was also put into the boiling water. All one need to think is to keep as much as possible sterile.

I followed the recipe and put everything in one cooking pot. I let the whole mixture simmer. Unfortunately this was one part I could not document. Because the kitchen was filled with what felt like very toxic fumes from the pot. Even though I used a lid. I had to go out to get some air.

But after the mixture was boiled, vinegars and lemon juice and honey was added. The sauce was complete when I had pureed it with my blender. In this process I used my chemistry protecting glasses.

The kitchen got a bit messed up in this 2 hours sauce making process.

After cooking and cleaning the result ended in a fruity, sweet banana-flavoury sauce. The strength is hidden within this strange concontion. But after 1 second it strikes around in your mouth and you are wondering where the heck does all this strength come from. This is a very hot fruity creation of mine.

The name was obvious. "Sweet kiss from the tropics" Written on a coffee filter that has been cut.

But somehow, I felt something was missing.

A final touch as a salute to my first sauce.

Time to investigate the neighbours make-up box.

This one will do.

Some small sacrifices have to be made to live a truly artistic life.

There we go. The first sauce. Just needed a final touch on the label.

I am not sure how long this sauce will hold. But it is in the "fridge". Thanks to the honey and the acidic enviroment from both the vinegar and lemon juice rumour says it should hold a couple of months.

I certainly need minimum of that time to even consume half of this deadly hot sauce.

onsdag 4 augusti 2010

The Explosive Ember ( Capsicum Annuum)

The explosive Ember is said by some to be one of the most stunning chile pepper plants. It will be interesting to see if this plant lives up to its rumour.

The Prolific Abilities Of The Naga Morich.

Looks nice, The right branch to the left.

The left branch down. I like the colors of the different maturity stages.

Here is also a picture of the whole plant. The whole plant has 20 Pods ( +4 pods that I have consumed ). All from a 3,5 litres container. Considering that one pod can be enough for one week of cooking for one person I think it is an ok production.

söndag 1 augusti 2010

Taste of Caribbean Red ( Capsicum Chinense)

In the chile pepper Database it says " The slightly wrinkled chiles are approximately 1 inch wide by 1.5 inches long and are similiar in shape to the Habanero. The chiles ripen from lime green to a brilliant red in 110 days and are produced on very productive plants that reach 30 inches tall. As well as the blistering heat, they have a lovely fruity flavour which makes them an excellent choice for use in salsa's, marinades and of course, in hot sauce."

Now, let us admit something. The taste of the pods depends on the growing conditions. It might be so that the Caribbean Red tastes deliciously, on the island of Jamaica and Trinidad Tobago. And that the scandinavian turf does not give any aromatic essences. I do not know.

What I do know is that my ripe Caribbean Red was an ok Habanero kind. But I could not feel any spectacular fruity flavour. On the other hand I have only tested one pod. Knowing that each pod can have unique flavours I will be a bit more patient with the judgement . At this moment this plant will not be a keeper in my book. I much more prefer B. Jolokia/C.S Bonnet and the Naga Morich. In which C. S Bonnet is definately a must.

Fruits of Pimenta De Neyde

At last I have obtained some fruits on the Pimenta De Neyde. If it will continue to produce pods I might be interested in it as a breeding material. Otherwise I will look into different varieties to cross.