I documented the flower of Amorphophallus Konjak for my good friend James.
And some thoughts started to wonder....now why did I do this again?
Here is the clip I made.
onsdag 6 juli 2011
lördag 2 april 2011
Success with the Sequoiadendron Giganteum !
Everything is easy. When you have learned the "how to process". I have been blessed with an increased feeling of satisfaction when it comes to my gardening hobby. For some months I have had problem with getting seedlings from the Sequoiadendron Giganteum to survive. But I think I might have succeeded now. Apparently these rather, to my mind, sensitive plants need a lot of moisture to thrive. Basically that is one of the major changes I have done. I have simply showered them with a mist of water twice/three times per day ( when I have had the chance). Look at the beauties.
The Sequoiadendron Giganteum is a tree that might be able to age beyond centuries and even milleniums. Imagine that little me have been part of the initiation process, of what I hope to be a long lived tree.
My oh my...

In Japan there is a tradition by some bonsaigrowers. To make a bonsai whenever you have a child or grandchild. I like this tradition. The seeds of the above Sequoiadendron Giganteum were sowed when my friends Karl and Linda had a child. A beautiful thought and tradition by the Japanese people. In honour of their first child the small sequoia with lots of needles goes by the name of " Tilde".
Au revoir for this time !
The Sequoiadendron Giganteum is a tree that might be able to age beyond centuries and even milleniums. Imagine that little me have been part of the initiation process, of what I hope to be a long lived tree.
My oh my...
In Japan there is a tradition by some bonsaigrowers. To make a bonsai whenever you have a child or grandchild. I like this tradition. The seeds of the above Sequoiadendron Giganteum were sowed when my friends Karl and Linda had a child. A beautiful thought and tradition by the Japanese people. In honour of their first child the small sequoia with lots of needles goes by the name of " Tilde".
Au revoir for this time !
7 Pot/ 7 Pod
7 pod ( Capsicum Chinense) flower in April. Stockholm Sweden.
7 Pot plant.
I have been a bit preoccupied with worldly matters. And as such have not got a chance to update the homepage. I have one plant that has not been affected by the aphid attacks. It is the 7 pot/7 pod. Right now it is in full bloom for me. I expect fruit in 1-2 months on it. I realized there are some benefits with having saved plants from last year. You certainly dont need to promote the growth stage. As such one can take it easy with the Nitrogene supporting. Basically you need to promote the fruiting stage.
torsdag 10 februari 2011
The shrimps get a new home...
What started as a small idea turned out to be a new project. I started with a glass bowl with 5 shrimps in it. Thinking a small gold fish bowl can be a new fertilizer supplier. Then I realized that I did not think it was fair toward my hard working shrimp. They, having a small pathetic space to live on. And having me a gigantic weird creature coming, messing around and stealing their life space every three days. Therefor, as a truly ethical human being. I bought a new home and new kind of shrimps. These type of shrimps were a bit more appealing to my eyes. In the same phase I geeked myself into the fine category of Aquascaping and thought I would show my pepper friends the beauty of having an aquarium. Now, you might not like it. But you can always pretend and go for the "white lie".
fredag 4 februari 2011
The mini apartment garden + new friends
It is definitely time for some pictures. I have to enjoy whatever that is left of my little apartment garden and also occupy my mind with something else then Aphids. This how my window seat looks like at the moment.

This year I bought a glass bowl. Now, it does not only contain water. Let us have a peek inside to see what kind of animals that might be dwelling this little bowl.

Meet the shrimps. My fertilising supply problems are over. Well, I have never considered myself having any problem on this side. Since one can always use a bit of your own diluted pee. But in this case the shrimp water does not smell.The shrimps "poo poo" and "pee pee" ( I am not sure if shrimps take a piss? Have to look it up some day) is hopefully a good fertliser for the chile peppar plants. I guess I will find out soon. Notice that in the glass bowl there are some marine plants. So they will take up some nutritients from the shrimps. As such I have a splendid theory. That I actually might be able to water the plants with the "shrimp water" continuously.

This year I bought a glass bowl. Now, it does not only contain water. Let us have a peek inside to see what kind of animals that might be dwelling this little bowl.

Meet the shrimps. My fertilising supply problems are over. Well, I have never considered myself having any problem on this side. Since one can always use a bit of your own diluted pee. But in this case the shrimp water does not smell.The shrimps "poo poo" and "pee pee" ( I am not sure if shrimps take a piss? Have to look it up some day) is hopefully a good fertliser for the chile peppar plants. I guess I will find out soon. Notice that in the glass bowl there are some marine plants. So they will take up some nutritients from the shrimps. As such I have a splendid theory. That I actually might be able to water the plants with the "shrimp water" continuously.
torsdag 27 januari 2011
Aphid attacks....
I bought some new soil. And have had Aphids on most of my new peppers. Inluding some of my last season plants. Damn these little critters from hell . I can not get rid of them with biological methods. And finding ladybugs at this time of year is not something that is easily done. I really, really hate Aphids. My whole section of chile pepper plants are in jeopardy. Stunted growth has ocurred to 5-6 of my plants thanks to Aphids. I must think...and reorganize my mind. In what the aphids would interpretate as a rather diabolical way.
söndag 19 december 2010
New Peppers for the season.
It is time to sow some new seeds. I have learned some from the past season. If I had enough space I would probably sow tons of peppers. But with limited space comes formidable plans. As always? The following seeds have hit the soil.
1) Trinidad Scorpion ( Capsicum Chinense ) Morouga Blend. I have tried B. Jolokia, Naga Morich, 7 Pot so the time has come to test the "scorpion". With this one, then I have tried four of the strongest peppers of the world. Right now the B. Jolokia and Naga is in favour when it comes to taste.
2) Cabai Chili Tree ( Capsicum Annuum). A simple cayenne pepper plant from Malaysia. Rumoured to grow very quickly, hence the name tree. Even though I have sucky light conditions I can see some potential behind the bragging. The only reason I try this one is to see how much peppers it can produce. This one will be my industrious pepper provider. Not that I need that with a lot of peppers still in the freezer.
3) Royal Black ( Capsicum Annuum) An ornamental pepper type to dazzle mankind with its beauty. Let us hope that this one taste a bit as well. I am still out after an ornamental with good taste. The pods are of piquin type standing erect.
4) Bradleys Bahamian ( Capsicum Frutescens ) Rumoured to be one of the strongest (Capsicum Frutescens) varieties. Let us see. Could be a success. It is supposed to get quite aromatic pods. I am above all out after taste as usual.
5) Cumari Pollux ( Capsicum Praetermissium ) I have never tried a Praetermissium before. This will be my first year. From what I have seen this plant has a lot of beautiful flowers with quite aromatic pods. I have not tasted it myself. But my hopes are good about this species.
6) Super Datil ( Capsicum Chinense) This one is rumoured to be an extremely good eating pepper. I am not surprised it belonged to the C. Chinense species. I look forward on getting pods in say 4-5 months on this one.
These plants goes with some keepers from last year. B. Jolokia, Chocolate Jolokia, Chocolate Scotch Bonnet, 7 pod and, belieave it or not, the Piementa De Neyde. I did not have the stomach to kill the De Neyde. It is still alive because of its ridicolous beauty tantalizing my mind. Janne Löfgren my pepper brother suggested that I should try to make a bonchi out of it. I have cut it down but due to a lot of work/studies and training I have not been able to give it much attention yet.
I feel that I should try a new C. Pubescens and a new Baccatum. But I have not decided on those yet. Seeds I have in alphabetical order.
A) Aji Panca, Aji Cito
B) B. Jolokia ( 15 seeds, pure), Black Namaqualand, Bishops Hat, Bradleys Bahamian
C) Chiltepin, Cabai Chili Tree, Cumari Pollux, Chocolate Jolokia ( cross pollination possible), Capsicum Praetermissium,Cap 1499, Cap 1492
E) Explosive Ember
H) Habanero brown, Habanero large brown
L) Large Red Cherry, Long Slim Cayenne, Limôn.
M) Malaga bird
N) Naga Morich ( cross pollinated)
P) Piementa De Neyde, pirri pirri, 7 pod, Purrira, PI 281353
R) Red Caribbean, Royal Black, Super Datil,
T) Turbo Pube, Thai Orange Hot,
I just sowed Turbo Pube, Thai Orange Hot, Aji Cito and Limon.
1) Trinidad Scorpion ( Capsicum Chinense ) Morouga Blend. I have tried B. Jolokia, Naga Morich, 7 Pot so the time has come to test the "scorpion". With this one, then I have tried four of the strongest peppers of the world. Right now the B. Jolokia and Naga is in favour when it comes to taste.
2) Cabai Chili Tree ( Capsicum Annuum). A simple cayenne pepper plant from Malaysia. Rumoured to grow very quickly, hence the name tree. Even though I have sucky light conditions I can see some potential behind the bragging. The only reason I try this one is to see how much peppers it can produce. This one will be my industrious pepper provider. Not that I need that with a lot of peppers still in the freezer.
3) Royal Black ( Capsicum Annuum) An ornamental pepper type to dazzle mankind with its beauty. Let us hope that this one taste a bit as well. I am still out after an ornamental with good taste. The pods are of piquin type standing erect.
4) Bradleys Bahamian ( Capsicum Frutescens ) Rumoured to be one of the strongest (Capsicum Frutescens) varieties. Let us see. Could be a success. It is supposed to get quite aromatic pods. I am above all out after taste as usual.
5) Cumari Pollux ( Capsicum Praetermissium ) I have never tried a Praetermissium before. This will be my first year. From what I have seen this plant has a lot of beautiful flowers with quite aromatic pods. I have not tasted it myself. But my hopes are good about this species.
6) Super Datil ( Capsicum Chinense) This one is rumoured to be an extremely good eating pepper. I am not surprised it belonged to the C. Chinense species. I look forward on getting pods in say 4-5 months on this one.
These plants goes with some keepers from last year. B. Jolokia, Chocolate Jolokia, Chocolate Scotch Bonnet, 7 pod and, belieave it or not, the Piementa De Neyde. I did not have the stomach to kill the De Neyde. It is still alive because of its ridicolous beauty tantalizing my mind. Janne Löfgren my pepper brother suggested that I should try to make a bonchi out of it. I have cut it down but due to a lot of work/studies and training I have not been able to give it much attention yet.
I feel that I should try a new C. Pubescens and a new Baccatum. But I have not decided on those yet. Seeds I have in alphabetical order.
A) Aji Panca, Aji Cito
B) B. Jolokia ( 15 seeds, pure), Black Namaqualand, Bishops Hat, Bradleys Bahamian
C) Chiltepin, Cabai Chili Tree, Cumari Pollux, Chocolate Jolokia ( cross pollination possible), Capsicum Praetermissium,Cap 1499, Cap 1492
E) Explosive Ember
H) Habanero brown, Habanero large brown
L) Large Red Cherry, Long Slim Cayenne, Limôn.
M) Malaga bird
N) Naga Morich ( cross pollinated)
P) Piementa De Neyde, pirri pirri, 7 pod, Purrira, PI 281353
R) Red Caribbean, Royal Black, Super Datil,
T) Turbo Pube, Thai Orange Hot,
I just sowed Turbo Pube, Thai Orange Hot, Aji Cito and Limon.
torsdag 25 november 2010
Sometimes, the simplest is the best
Sometimes, the simplest dishes are the best. Spaghetti Bolognese with Chocolate Scotch Bonnet (Capsicum Chinense) . God damn that is good. Now that is a combination that has been used 10-20 times by me and it is still going strong. But make sure not to overdose the dish with Chocolate Scotch Bonnet. Or you might be referring to your meal as the "shit of Satan" when you are in the bathroom and doing number two.
A cup of green tea to gulp down and I will be ready for the remaining obligations of the day. Hopefully the tea will help against the horrible bathroom picture I got in my head now.
onsdag 24 november 2010
My foodideas varies in quality and taste.
Regular dish. Moussaka with sliced chocolate scotch Bonnet. Got too oily, did not like it. Ate some "Knäckebröd" ( a form of crispbread that is supposed to be very healthy) to balance this oily dish. The Chocolate Scotch Bonnet did not marry well with the Moussaka to be honest.
I am not unknown for my creativity. But I think this dish got out of hand. It is a traditional Bamya with two bits of fried flounder. Not sure the typical mediterranean human being would appreciate it. To it some avocado, brussels, date with walnuts for the sweet and some sliced up Naga Morich. The Naga morich was taken out of the freezer. Yet it produces an immense heat that reminds one it will be wise to wash the hands before taking a piss. ( I burned my Mojo one time too many when handling the hot peppers).
How did this weird african,mediterranean, european michael dish taste? Superb! I got what I need out of it. Proteins, carbohydrates, nutritients...and yes...taste as well!
måndag 8 november 2010
Enjoying whatever sun that is left..
It is important in Sweden to enjoy whatever sun you get for free. Yesterday the sun was shining and it was a good day to do the burning off calories outdoor. Here are some pictures on top of a hill that I used as my personal natural exercise machine.
The exercise was walking up and down the "hill of Hammarby" a couple of times. I can feel that there will be some swedes chuckling by my english translation of "Hammarbybacken". Some good tension is felt in the butt after doing 3*4,5-5 mins walking up on the hill in a fast speed.
Speaking of calories. Did you know peppers increases the metabolical ability? This is apparently a common knowledge. I am the type of guy who do not like to accept common knowledge pheonomenon as a truth. As such I needed to see a real good source as a proof of this. I mean someone must have done a scientifical valid experiment?
I found one test result at = http://www.ajcn.org/cgi/content/abstract/92/5/1089?maxtoshow=&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&fulltext=capsaicin&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&resourcetype=HWCIT
Conclusion: After 1 mo of supplementation, dihydrocapsiate had a small thermogenic effect of
50 kcal/d, which is in the range of day-to-day RMR variability. In which RMR is daily metabolic rate.
The exercise was walking up and down the "hill of Hammarby" a couple of times. I can feel that there will be some swedes chuckling by my english translation of "Hammarbybacken". Some good tension is felt in the butt after doing 3*4,5-5 mins walking up on the hill in a fast speed.
Speaking of calories. Did you know peppers increases the metabolical ability? This is apparently a common knowledge. I am the type of guy who do not like to accept common knowledge pheonomenon as a truth. As such I needed to see a real good source as a proof of this. I mean someone must have done a scientifical valid experiment?
I found one test result at = http://www.ajcn.org/cgi/content/abstract/92/5/1089?maxtoshow=&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&fulltext=capsaicin&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&resourcetype=HWCIT
Conclusion: After 1 mo of supplementation, dihydrocapsiate had a small thermogenic effect of

onsdag 3 november 2010
The Athletes Choice and stuff you do when it is Autumn
The athletes choice. A bed of tomatoes, red onion, 2 garlic cloves, cucumber and white cabbage. Over it you just put in a sloppy fashion a real good lasagne.
But the finishing touch is made by cutting some ridicolously hot chocolate Jolokia. Garlic is something I started to like more and more. I also have a feeling that there is either a placebo effect that I never get cold if I eat garlic often or a real effect. In either case I need to eat raw garlic at least twice a week. That stuff feels really healthy. Is it possible to still sow it ( indoors somehow?) Someone who have learned a lot about garlic from this year is my bud Janne Löfgren. Some info can be found on the issue at his homepage
Some other common activities you do in Sweden when it is Autumn.
You pick mushrooms with your friends. Here you see some of my friends in the forrest of Sörmland.
The mushrooms that is picked in late Autumn is called in Swedish "trattkantareller" in latin Craterellus tubaeformis or if you prefer the english version Yellowfoot, winter mushroom. The mushrooms are dried to concentrate the flavours and conservate for future projects.
Something that is very normal to do in Sweden and a common practice is to make your own mead. Me and my friend Patrik have made some mead with 6 kg honey bought at the farmers market in Stockholm. We made it a bit more sweet then normal. So it have to considered as a one shot dessert kind of mead. The mead is quite a treacherous liquid. It contains around 8 % of alcohol content but you can not easily feel it. Until the day after of course.
torsdag 28 oktober 2010
Question by Erna, regarding light discussion.
Hiya Erna,
Erna asked me in an input which can be found in comments about what kind of light I use and perhaps even more, why?
Regarding light for plants. It is an issue that is well debated. And the gentlemen and ladies who are growing peppers have a difference of opinion when it comes to this subject. Lights for plants is and will never be a problem. That is if you have a lot of dollars in your backpocket and ready to invest some of them in a good light source.
If you like to have some form of echonomic thinking and also perhaps an enviromental thinking then a good suggestion will be to continue to read this pathetically large input.
I have chosen what kind of light I wanted to use for my plants with different aspects in my mind. Some key elements were important to me.
1) Plants will survive, adults as well as seedlings.
2) Echonomic factor.
3) Light therapy effect factor. Can light tubes used for plants be used for us humans?
4) Space and heat issues.
Plants will survive, adults as well as seedlings.
The fact that plant will survive both as adults as well as seedlings is without exaggeration probably the key element that is most important.If this plan is not fulfilled then we can kiss our precious hobby goodbye. I checked different pepper forums and went for 2*36 W light tubes that prooved to be sufficient. This was for seedlings and adults. I was not sure that it would be sufficient. But it prooved to be so.
Echonomic factor ( enviromental factor)
The echonomic factor can be important. Especially if your pockets are not overly stuffed with Dollar bills. While it can be so that some can create their own jungle with 600 W armatures. And maybe perhaps even design their own bizarre version of a tropical Amazonas in a snowy midwinter Sweden. Then some of us will simply not go for these luxurious fantasy plans. That due to the fact that high electrical bills will not be justified. But also because the enviromental factor will perhaps inhibit the conception of a vast indoor greenery . Do you want to have a jungle indoors during winter, or do you just want the plants to survive through the winter for the coming season? I went for the latter. The electrical bill was taken care of as well as having the ability to be able to say to future children ” Uncle Salemsson thought of the enviroment as good as he could. And he was not exaggerating with the electric consumption.”
What I do know is that the actions of my life will be judged by my concious when I lay at deaths door one day. It is inevitable should it not be so that I change personality somehow. The enviromental principle is not something we can be socially fanatical about. But it is a principle. I am a man of principles. And therefor important to me and perhaps even more so for future generations. I guess it is enough for politics in this input.
Light Therapy effect factor
Light therapy effect is a fun part to investigate. I actually invested 8-10 hours investigating this issue. It ended with me making an unexpected visit to Karolinska Hospital in Huddinge near Stockholm. I knew they had a light therapy room. I explained to the nurse and doctor that I just wanted to see what kind of light tubes they were using. Were they some kind of ”magical” light tubes? The background was that I have tried light therapy some years ago because of winter weariness. The effect of light therapy on me was when I tried it that it felt like 2-3 cup of coffees. But a funny side effect was that I wanted to go down to the lake of Drevviken to see if the pikes were copulating. Something I usually do at spring if time allows it. I obtained such a need through this side effect even though it was in January. Which made me speculate wether one of the possibilities was that it might be so that us humans ( subjective conclusion and should not be viewed as anything else but an opinion ) have some kind of Biowatch built within us. It felt like this Biowatch of mine was moving from deep midwinter to very early spring after the 8-9 th day of light therapy sessions. Though when you stopped going there the effect went away pretty fast. What I needed was the same type of light in my room and fulfil the fact that these light tubes are being useful for the plants. Huddinge Hospital light therapy room used 5500 K temperature light Tubes. The difference to that cave of light and my shady room is that they had like 24-30 light tubes while I have 2 of these. I let the enviromental and echonomical aspects be of a higher priority for me in my personal case. But it is possible I will buy another armature to replace my regular undesireable ceiling lamp.
Last year I did not felt any winter fatigue at all. I made an interpretation of my surrounding that year that a lot of other poor Stockholmers could have some trouble with winter fatigue. Though that was my interpretation of my own observation. I did not have that problem and will gladly try to continue to not to have it as a problem. As such, the method I used last winter before I will continue to use. I guess that growing peppers have a lot of good sides. This part in the input could be considered as the health part.
Space and heat is of course an issue.
People can create a jungle with as many lamps that is needed for such a cause. But question is if they wont get a heat problem. And maybe a space problem. Some will solve the problem of too much heat with having a heavy blowing fan. While that is one way of solving it. It is also a way of raising your electrical bill and using even more electric consumtion. The space problem is obvious and I will leave that subject.
My own conclusions lead to that I bought 2 *36 W light tubes having 6500 K ( they work good enough as a light therapeutical purpose if you use full day light spectrum). Its lumen were together like 7000-8000 Lumen ( can be read about here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumen_(unit) ). I know that I have checked what it was comparing to. If my memory dont fail me I think 100 000 lux ( 100 000 lumen/ m^2 ) is equivalent to a Swedish Summer day. With that said it means my light tubes are approximately like 1/12 of that.
All this lead to the fact that I bought an armature that did not emitt so much heat. 2 light tubes with 6500 K. The reason why I did not buy for example 4000 K light tubes is that I do not want to promote flowering purposes during winter season. I have no need of it. I just want my plants to be able to make sure it can produce energy for itself and not waste it on creating fruit. Focus should be, with poor light conditions, to maintain life in the plants. Other aspects are just plain hubris ( too weak of a joke attempt? Perhaps a sympathetic laugh at least? Moving on...)
A type of people that are very knowledgeable on this field happen to be, funny enough, the "Stoners". I read some forums. Their extensive detail descriptions about light for their precius cannabis plants surpass this input with an ease.
I hope this will answer some of your questions Eerna. Thanks for asking and stimulating my brain with questions.
Yours respectfully,
Michael Salemsson
Erna asked me in an input which can be found in comments about what kind of light I use and perhaps even more, why?
Regarding light for plants. It is an issue that is well debated. And the gentlemen and ladies who are growing peppers have a difference of opinion when it comes to this subject. Lights for plants is and will never be a problem. That is if you have a lot of dollars in your backpocket and ready to invest some of them in a good light source.
If you like to have some form of echonomic thinking and also perhaps an enviromental thinking then a good suggestion will be to continue to read this pathetically large input.
I have chosen what kind of light I wanted to use for my plants with different aspects in my mind. Some key elements were important to me.
1) Plants will survive, adults as well as seedlings.
2) Echonomic factor.
3) Light therapy effect factor. Can light tubes used for plants be used for us humans?
4) Space and heat issues.
Plants will survive, adults as well as seedlings.
The fact that plant will survive both as adults as well as seedlings is without exaggeration probably the key element that is most important.If this plan is not fulfilled then we can kiss our precious hobby goodbye. I checked different pepper forums and went for 2*36 W light tubes that prooved to be sufficient. This was for seedlings and adults. I was not sure that it would be sufficient. But it prooved to be so.
Echonomic factor ( enviromental factor)
The echonomic factor can be important. Especially if your pockets are not overly stuffed with Dollar bills. While it can be so that some can create their own jungle with 600 W armatures. And maybe perhaps even design their own bizarre version of a tropical Amazonas in a snowy midwinter Sweden. Then some of us will simply not go for these luxurious fantasy plans. That due to the fact that high electrical bills will not be justified. But also because the enviromental factor will perhaps inhibit the conception of a vast indoor greenery . Do you want to have a jungle indoors during winter, or do you just want the plants to survive through the winter for the coming season? I went for the latter. The electrical bill was taken care of as well as having the ability to be able to say to future children ” Uncle Salemsson thought of the enviroment as good as he could. And he was not exaggerating with the electric consumption.”
What I do know is that the actions of my life will be judged by my concious when I lay at deaths door one day. It is inevitable should it not be so that I change personality somehow. The enviromental principle is not something we can be socially fanatical about. But it is a principle. I am a man of principles. And therefor important to me and perhaps even more so for future generations. I guess it is enough for politics in this input.
Light Therapy effect factor
Light therapy effect is a fun part to investigate. I actually invested 8-10 hours investigating this issue. It ended with me making an unexpected visit to Karolinska Hospital in Huddinge near Stockholm. I knew they had a light therapy room. I explained to the nurse and doctor that I just wanted to see what kind of light tubes they were using. Were they some kind of ”magical” light tubes? The background was that I have tried light therapy some years ago because of winter weariness. The effect of light therapy on me was when I tried it that it felt like 2-3 cup of coffees. But a funny side effect was that I wanted to go down to the lake of Drevviken to see if the pikes were copulating. Something I usually do at spring if time allows it. I obtained such a need through this side effect even though it was in January. Which made me speculate wether one of the possibilities was that it might be so that us humans ( subjective conclusion and should not be viewed as anything else but an opinion ) have some kind of Biowatch built within us. It felt like this Biowatch of mine was moving from deep midwinter to very early spring after the 8-9 th day of light therapy sessions. Though when you stopped going there the effect went away pretty fast. What I needed was the same type of light in my room and fulfil the fact that these light tubes are being useful for the plants. Huddinge Hospital light therapy room used 5500 K temperature light Tubes. The difference to that cave of light and my shady room is that they had like 24-30 light tubes while I have 2 of these. I let the enviromental and echonomical aspects be of a higher priority for me in my personal case. But it is possible I will buy another armature to replace my regular undesireable ceiling lamp.
Last year I did not felt any winter fatigue at all. I made an interpretation of my surrounding that year that a lot of other poor Stockholmers could have some trouble with winter fatigue. Though that was my interpretation of my own observation. I did not have that problem and will gladly try to continue to not to have it as a problem. As such, the method I used last winter before I will continue to use. I guess that growing peppers have a lot of good sides. This part in the input could be considered as the health part.
Space and heat is of course an issue.
People can create a jungle with as many lamps that is needed for such a cause. But question is if they wont get a heat problem. And maybe a space problem. Some will solve the problem of too much heat with having a heavy blowing fan. While that is one way of solving it. It is also a way of raising your electrical bill and using even more electric consumtion. The space problem is obvious and I will leave that subject.
My own conclusions lead to that I bought 2 *36 W light tubes having 6500 K ( they work good enough as a light therapeutical purpose if you use full day light spectrum). Its lumen were together like 7000-8000 Lumen ( can be read about here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumen_(unit) ). I know that I have checked what it was comparing to. If my memory dont fail me I think 100 000 lux ( 100 000 lumen/ m^2 ) is equivalent to a Swedish Summer day. With that said it means my light tubes are approximately like 1/12 of that.
All this lead to the fact that I bought an armature that did not emitt so much heat. 2 light tubes with 6500 K. The reason why I did not buy for example 4000 K light tubes is that I do not want to promote flowering purposes during winter season. I have no need of it. I just want my plants to be able to make sure it can produce energy for itself and not waste it on creating fruit. Focus should be, with poor light conditions, to maintain life in the plants. Other aspects are just plain hubris ( too weak of a joke attempt? Perhaps a sympathetic laugh at least? Moving on...)
A type of people that are very knowledgeable on this field happen to be, funny enough, the "Stoners". I read some forums. Their extensive detail descriptions about light for their precius cannabis plants surpass this input with an ease.
I hope this will answer some of your questions Eerna. Thanks for asking and stimulating my brain with questions.
Yours respectfully,
Michael Salemsson
onsdag 27 oktober 2010
The chiliblog
The blog have a bit less input due to the fact that it is low season. But also for the fact I have preseason training for the next mountaineering expeditions. It consumes some time and requires some rest afterward. I will soon be a good boy and make some interesting inputs. Also the studies is taking some time. Make that a lot of studies.
onsdag 13 oktober 2010
Stratification of Sequoiadendron Giganteum ( mammutträd på svenska)
Time to make it right this time. And time is the lead word for this post.
When it comes to growing up trees of the species Giant Redwood Tree ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sequoiadendron ) from seeds a specific stratification period will be required. I did my reading this time. Here is some background. Apparently the Giant Redwood Tree requires a cold period imitating the winter months in its natural habitat. This means that to be able to unlock the genetic code of the seeds, and to see some sprouting, one method is to have the seeds in cold temperature for 1-2 month ( there are a lot of opinions regarding this issue and this post should not be viewed as the ultimate recipe for success).

( Giant Redwood Tree in Yosemite USA )
Now, this can be done in different ways.
Option one)
It is to have the seed in a small container with soil. This after having let the seeds soak in water for 24-48 hours. Then you put a plastic bag around the container so the moisture wont let go and put the container in the fridge. Optimal temperature is supposed to be around 1-3 Celsius degrees. For those of you in USA it is 32 + x*1,8. In which is x is 1 to 3 Celsius degrees. More about Anders Celsius can be read here http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Celsius ( the cultural input taken care of with this link). Of course you have to make sure fungis do not take control of your precious treasure.
The second way. And the way I prefer it. It is to use the temperature of the season. Late Autumn is perfect for opening up the genetic lock of the Sequoia seeds. You do the same as above but put the container outside. The temperature will vary for sure. That is not an issue. But after you have let the container endure some cold for a month or two. You can take your precious container inside to imitate spring. The theory is that when the seeds feel the warmth after a LONG COLD period they will sprout. I confirmed this with my good friend James Bonet. We think this will be a good method. My regard to Milos, my job colleague for reminding me to make an input on this issue. Thanks Milos!
Now, you might ask yourself. " Michael, did you succeed with this method yourself?"
The answer to that is that I will know in 3-4 weeks.
When it comes to growing up trees of the species Giant Redwood Tree ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sequoiadendron ) from seeds a specific stratification period will be required. I did my reading this time. Here is some background. Apparently the Giant Redwood Tree requires a cold period imitating the winter months in its natural habitat. This means that to be able to unlock the genetic code of the seeds, and to see some sprouting, one method is to have the seeds in cold temperature for 1-2 month ( there are a lot of opinions regarding this issue and this post should not be viewed as the ultimate recipe for success).

( Giant Redwood Tree in Yosemite USA )
Now, this can be done in different ways.
Option one)
It is to have the seed in a small container with soil. This after having let the seeds soak in water for 24-48 hours. Then you put a plastic bag around the container so the moisture wont let go and put the container in the fridge. Optimal temperature is supposed to be around 1-3 Celsius degrees. For those of you in USA it is 32 + x*1,8. In which is x is 1 to 3 Celsius degrees. More about Anders Celsius can be read here http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Celsius ( the cultural input taken care of with this link). Of course you have to make sure fungis do not take control of your precious treasure.
The second way. And the way I prefer it. It is to use the temperature of the season. Late Autumn is perfect for opening up the genetic lock of the Sequoia seeds. You do the same as above but put the container outside. The temperature will vary for sure. That is not an issue. But after you have let the container endure some cold for a month or two. You can take your precious container inside to imitate spring. The theory is that when the seeds feel the warmth after a LONG COLD period they will sprout. I confirmed this with my good friend James Bonet. We think this will be a good method. My regard to Milos, my job colleague for reminding me to make an input on this issue. Thanks Milos!
Now, you might ask yourself. " Michael, did you succeed with this method yourself?"
The answer to that is that I will know in 3-4 weeks.
onsdag 6 oktober 2010
Regarding sowing new seeds
I have been asked from some readers by mail to make an input about when to sow pepper plants seeds. While I must admit, I do not have much empirical data to fall upon, I could make some simple conclusions. The answer would be, that you can actually sow whenever you want. That is, if you have sufficient artificial light or natural light to support the seedlings with. I myself need to sow my seeds pretty early, late October, early November. This due to very poor light conditions ( poor Janne, Mats and Patrik that has read this sentence like thousands of times?). I want the plant to be fully ready for the outdoor life. In my case, it takes time. I am not sure this input really helped. But the general answer would be sow whenever you want if you feel comfortable with the fact that you can support your plant with light. If you are not that comfortable on your light conditions and have the weird situation that you decided to grow peppers on the same degree as Scandinavian latitude. Then you might want to use the advantage of the seasons.

As you can see, I started my new season. Royal black, another ornamental. I sure hope it got some taste. I am looking for a good ornamental with good taste. I am open for suggestions from the readers regarding this issue.

By the way, I still dont know what this thing was that I found in the forrest when I was doing mushroom picking. I know that Janne teased me with the suggestion of "gränna polkagris". It does not bother me much not to know it. But when I look in my picture archive, it does!
I regret the fact that I did not dare to pick it up. But I had a very small wound and the neighbour daughter had a nose bleed that I attended to. I did not want to take any chances of touching something superpoisonous.

As you can see, I started my new season. Royal black, another ornamental. I sure hope it got some taste. I am looking for a good ornamental with good taste. I am open for suggestions from the readers regarding this issue.

By the way, I still dont know what this thing was that I found in the forrest when I was doing mushroom picking. I know that Janne teased me with the suggestion of "gränna polkagris". It does not bother me much not to know it. But when I look in my picture archive, it does!
I regret the fact that I did not dare to pick it up. But I had a very small wound and the neighbour daughter had a nose bleed that I attended to. I did not want to take any chances of touching something superpoisonous.
måndag 4 oktober 2010
The Piementa De Neyde is goodbye..
The Piementa De Neyde has been voted good bye. This due to space problem.
My first videoinput made by me. Hope you will enjoy it. Please make a comment if you liked the video or not. So I know if the readers want me to continue to make future videoinputs.
My first videoinput made by me. Hope you will enjoy it. Please make a comment if you liked the video or not. So I know if the readers want me to continue to make future videoinputs.
fredag 1 oktober 2010
Chile Pepper Eating varieties, give me suggestions!
My humble readers, I need your aid. Last year I grew about 15 chile pepper varieties. In which some were of superior culinary quality. I must admit, two to three of these varieties attracted my taste buds in a to me unpredictable pathological fashion.
After having thought of the situation, by trying to analyze what it was more specifically that I liked. I realized, there were some factors that was distinguishable.
1. Strength of the variety. Wether it is important for everyone or not is hard to say. But subjectively I find it important. With that I mean that I grow a pepper variety not only for the taste, but I want to feel some kind of heat. I quickly fell in love with some of the hottest varietes such as B. Jolokia, Naga Morich, Chocolate Scotch Bonnet. Not out of a masochistical behavioristical pattern. But simply, because I love the heat. Meaning, to use old terminology, I am a Chilehead.
2. Taste/Aroma, speaks for itself? This is where the complexity comes in. This is where I need my humble readers help. This factor differs. I need to know what you like. You do not need to motivate it even. I would be happy and honored if you also motivated though.
3. Characteristic, some varieties have different characteristics. Like the Chocolate Scotch Bonnet have a smokey, sweety flavour and spread out its heat differently then the B. Jolokia for example. This is important to me. Because that means I know more specifically how I can use the eating variety in the dishes.
Number two and three go hand in hand.
There are also other factors that can be interesting to take into consideration before growing a specific eating variety. How attractive is the plant/pods? How productive is it? During what conditions? How easy is it to get up from seed to fully productive plant?
The list can be made pretty long. If I stick to the three mentioned above, then I hope, or believe we have a good base.
After having thought of the situation, by trying to analyze what it was more specifically that I liked. I realized, there were some factors that was distinguishable.
1. Strength of the variety. Wether it is important for everyone or not is hard to say. But subjectively I find it important. With that I mean that I grow a pepper variety not only for the taste, but I want to feel some kind of heat. I quickly fell in love with some of the hottest varietes such as B. Jolokia, Naga Morich, Chocolate Scotch Bonnet. Not out of a masochistical behavioristical pattern. But simply, because I love the heat. Meaning, to use old terminology, I am a Chilehead.
2. Taste/Aroma, speaks for itself? This is where the complexity comes in. This is where I need my humble readers help. This factor differs. I need to know what you like. You do not need to motivate it even. I would be happy and honored if you also motivated though.
3. Characteristic, some varieties have different characteristics. Like the Chocolate Scotch Bonnet have a smokey, sweety flavour and spread out its heat differently then the B. Jolokia for example. This is important to me. Because that means I know more specifically how I can use the eating variety in the dishes.
Number two and three go hand in hand.
There are also other factors that can be interesting to take into consideration before growing a specific eating variety. How attractive is the plant/pods? How productive is it? During what conditions? How easy is it to get up from seed to fully productive plant?
The list can be made pretty long. If I stick to the three mentioned above, then I hope, or believe we have a good base.
onsdag 29 september 2010
Economy and hobby gardening in apartment.
Time to start to think again and make some reflections on the economical figures of this plant growing hobby.
Book bought about chile peppers = 250 kr
Seed storage box = 200 kr
Lamp with ballast and bulbs = 700 + 200 = 900 kr
Seedling trays = 50 kr
Soil totally during one year = 60 + 80 + 80 + 100 = 320 kr
Bought plants = 3*100 kr
Sold plants totally = -1200 kr
Bought seeds = 400 kr
Fertilizer = 300 kr
Electric bills based on 15 hours/day with 72 W bulbs = 600 kr / year
Vermiculite and Perlite = 250 kr
Pots of different sizes = 300 kr
Sold fruits = -100 kr
Some of the figures like the electric bill have been exaggerated. I sure dont have the plant lamp on 15 hours/day whole year. But I am more out after a maximal cost for myself.
Down with maximal for 2010 = -2570 kr = -270 euros = -369 $.
I need to compensate the loss with not too much effort put into it. Only way is to sell plants or making sauces and selling them on a hobby basis?
Have bought seeds for next years chile pepper projects. Inclusive real bonsai projects.
Going organically when it comes to fertilizers. Have not found a reliable and suitable organic fertilizer when it comes to the P/K fertilizing. Good P/K fertilizer is essential in some cases when it comes to fruiting development. When it comes to Nitrogene it is easy. Diluted pee is the way to go economically. Notice, have yet not tried it indoors. With full potential that is. Need to try it in one pot for a specific time to evaluate eventual odour problems.
Next years economical figures:
Soil = 350 kr
Vermiculite and Perlite = 200 kr
Pots = 100 kr
Light bulbs = 200 kr
Electric bill (already taken care of, paid in advance) = 0 kr
Might need to buy another lamp, putting 200 kr at a side for it until lamp breaks = 200
Year 2011 = -1050 kr = 150 $ = 111 euros.
All this have to be in relation to the fact that I have actually also gained fruits with some economical value. The value of the fruits are itself a variable. And also the joy of learning something knew. Be it volountarily or involountarily. I have not given either of these factors any acknowledgement. This due to the fact that I am balancing it toward the time consumption ( which to be honest is very little).
Any comments, feel free to make an input. I made the calculations to point out that growing plants indoors as a hobby is a very cheap hobby indeed. Compared to many others like fishing etc. The other advantage is that you have your hobby in your room. You dont need to travel somewhere else. Another reason is why I post this input is that I have been asked this before but in real. Happy reading .
Book bought about chile peppers = 250 kr
Seed storage box = 200 kr
Lamp with ballast and bulbs = 700 + 200 = 900 kr
Seedling trays = 50 kr
Soil totally during one year = 60 + 80 + 80 + 100 = 320 kr
Bought plants = 3*100 kr
Sold plants totally = -1200 kr
Bought seeds = 400 kr
Fertilizer = 300 kr
Electric bills based on 15 hours/day with 72 W bulbs = 600 kr / year
Vermiculite and Perlite = 250 kr
Pots of different sizes = 300 kr
Sold fruits = -100 kr
Some of the figures like the electric bill have been exaggerated. I sure dont have the plant lamp on 15 hours/day whole year. But I am more out after a maximal cost for myself.
Down with maximal for 2010 = -2570 kr = -270 euros = -369 $.
I need to compensate the loss with not too much effort put into it. Only way is to sell plants or making sauces and selling them on a hobby basis?
Have bought seeds for next years chile pepper projects. Inclusive real bonsai projects.
Going organically when it comes to fertilizers. Have not found a reliable and suitable organic fertilizer when it comes to the P/K fertilizing. Good P/K fertilizer is essential in some cases when it comes to fruiting development. When it comes to Nitrogene it is easy. Diluted pee is the way to go economically. Notice, have yet not tried it indoors. With full potential that is. Need to try it in one pot for a specific time to evaluate eventual odour problems.
Next years economical figures:
Soil = 350 kr
Vermiculite and Perlite = 200 kr
Pots = 100 kr
Light bulbs = 200 kr
Electric bill (already taken care of, paid in advance) = 0 kr
Might need to buy another lamp, putting 200 kr at a side for it until lamp breaks = 200
Year 2011 = -1050 kr = 150 $ = 111 euros.
All this have to be in relation to the fact that I have actually also gained fruits with some economical value. The value of the fruits are itself a variable. And also the joy of learning something knew. Be it volountarily or involountarily. I have not given either of these factors any acknowledgement. This due to the fact that I am balancing it toward the time consumption ( which to be honest is very little).
Any comments, feel free to make an input. I made the calculations to point out that growing plants indoors as a hobby is a very cheap hobby indeed. Compared to many others like fishing etc. The other advantage is that you have your hobby in your room. You dont need to travel somewhere else. Another reason is why I post this input is that I have been asked this before but in real. Happy reading .
tisdag 28 september 2010
måndag 27 september 2010
I messed a little bit with the HTML code of this web page. My conclusions are that I messed a bit too much and that I am therefor not able to post any pictures on the page. Naturally, I could easily just change it back to the more standard versions. But I am not like that and I need to understand how the HTML code works so I can have the same layout and be able to put in pictures. I guess you could call me stubborn?
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