onsdag 30 juni 2010
Mr Bumblebee, the secret Casanova.
Chocolate Jolokia ( a supposed mutant variation of B. Jolokia, Capsicum Chinense) Pod.
Maturity date 2010-06-27.
The chocolate Jolokia in its unmature state is, based on this sole plant I received from Patrik, paler then the B. Jolokia unmature Pod.
The difference in its mature state is that the Chocolate Jolokia is chocolate coloured. And the B. Jolokia is red/dark red . Depending on how long the B. Jolokia pod has stayed on the plant.
I must recommend the variety Piquin. It is a good beginner plant. Notice that the pods always seems to be aiming for the sky. All the pods are standing "erect". A main characteristic of the species (Capsicum Frutescens).
The Pequin belongs to the Capsicum Annuum though. Somehow, I feel that I need to get a pretty good answer why it should not belong to the Capsicum Frutescens.
One of my side projects. A tree by the name of Morus Nigra ( Mullbärsträd in Swedish). Planted 18/3/2010. I have some hope that this one might manage itself in the forrest of Sörmland At the country house of my good friend Carl Godhe.
He has perfect conditions for it. All one must do during winters is maybe to protect the roots by placing spruce branches around the base of the stem of the tree.
Ripe Naga Morich ( Capsicum Chinense) Pod. Cousin of the B. Jolokia. This one has been ripe for some time. I have some hope that I have documented the time of maturity of the pod in a previous input on this blog. But I know it have had the colour of red for almost 3 weeks or so.
The Naga Morich Pod is much more waxy compared to the B. Jolokia Pod. I would say there is a difference regarding the waxiness. The Pod Shape can differ so much, even on the same plant. So I would not say there is much difference there.
To the left, some unmature Naga Morich Pods. I have obtained seven on this plant. Which brings me to the subject of the title to this input.
I must admit, I am not the lazy type. I am working really hard in real. And on many fields.
As such, I have to confess that I have not had much opportunity to conduct to the weekly routine of pollinating the flowers.
So I was a bit surprised when I obtained more and more pods.
Here is a picture of a minor explosion on another plant. This is the Chocolate Scotch Bonnet ( Capsicum Chinense). It was said that this one is prolific. Proof is my own plant. It has around 40 pods now. But I can not take credit of these results, even though I have pollinated this plant before, many many times.
I feel that these unexpected results have to be credited to someone else. Someone whose main purpose, out of the plants perspective, is just to pollinate.
Say "Hi" to mr Bumblebee.
Mind you, he is a bit shy infront of the camera. But you can catch a glimpse of him to the right in the picture.
The presence of mr. Bumblebee, or Casanova as I call him, means that I can kiss my previous crossing project goodbye. I did not expect our pollinating friends to regularly pay a visit to my garden of eden on my balcony. So I have not glued any flowers I have pollinated. As such, they are now contaminated.
It also means I can kiss the paintbrush business goodbye for now.
And expect a stupendous crop of pods. Thanks to mr Bumblebee, alias Casanova of the chile pepper plants.
Now to another side project.
The plant to the left means more to me then any other plants I have in my stock.
It is the legendary Sequoiadendron Giganteum. Germination time on this one is 105 days. The last one who had a germination time of 93 days died. May thee rest in peace brother. May this one live longer.
This is a picture of a chile pepper plant that I sowed 6/6/2010. Explosive Ember ( Capsicum Annuum). It is an ornamental variety.
I think it is a good idea to sow some ornamentals for the late autumn period. If it is an Capsicum Annuum variety with some "speedy Gonzales" in it. One can perhaps get some pods out of it.
Picture of one of my two Rocotos. This is a flower of the Turbo Pube ( Capsicum Pubescens)
As my humble readers have noticed. The shyness from the Bumblebee seems to be infectious and this flower has decided to obscure its innerself from the camera.
Here is a picture of the Rocoto Orange ( Capsicum Pubescens).
Looks like an octopus with 2 long catching arms.
I need to support this one badly. Maybe it will be done. Maybe not. Who knows....I certainly dont.
The Caribbean Red ( Capsicum Chinense).
Lots of Pods for a 1,5 litre container. All thanks to natures own Casanova. Mr BuMbLeBeE.
Bzzzzz......bzzzzzz...........I like the sound of that around my chile pepper plants. I certainly like to hear that instead of these dreadful Vuvuzelas in the world cup of football.
Imagine a bumblebee with the sound of Vuvuzela. Horrible thought.
I think the Bumblebees have been pollinating my Long Slim Cayenne as well.
Weird curl and curves on these pods.
My Bishops Hat is doing good. I noticed the Bumblebee visited this one too. Meaning I can have a possible crossing between Bishop Hat/Red Caribbean/Red Savina/Chocolate Scotch Bonne/Piquin/Long Slim Cayenne.
The rest of my plants are a bit displaced and can not cross with the ones above.
I officially want to thank mr Bumblebee for a much improved crop, even though it means my crossing project has gotten a rather nasty thorn in its side. To be able to breed new varieties, I must come up with a plan that can outsmart natures prime pollinators.
lördag 19 juni 2010
Growth Log IV
Bishop Hat ( Capsicum Baccatum)
Height: 80 cm
Width: 80cm
Size of Container: 10 litres Terra-Kotta
Amount of flowers: 2
Amount of Pods: 18 in different maturity stages. None have obtained any color. Date of first fruit 2010-05-16. Oldest Pod = 34 days.
Pollination difficulties from 1-10 1 = easiest 10 = hardest: 1
Comments: This plant is aiming all its focus on its fruiting stage. The width part has increased with 20 cm in one month. Plant has tried to get taller but the fruit weight pull it down, thus a wider plant.
Piquin ( Capsicum Annuum)
Height: 45 cm
Width: 70 cm ( on its widest place)
Size of container: 3,5 litres plastic container.
Amount of flowers: 170 + - 30
Amount of Pods: 45 +- 8 ( oldest pod age = 24 days)
Pollination difficulties from 1-10 1 = easiest 10 = hardest: 2
Comments: Productive plant. Good beginner plant. One have to start a bit early regarding this plant. It takes some time to germinate it. I personally like the look of this plant. The leaves are small and it gives the plant a look of a small tree.
B. Jolokia ( Capsicum Chinense)
Height: 40 cm
Width : 65 cm
Size of container: 3,5 litres plastic container.
Amount of flowers: 20 +- 5
Amount of Pods: 10
Pollination difficulties from 1-10 1 = easiest 10 = hardest : 9
Comments: Fresh B. Jolokia Pod is really really good. It is also economically justified. One pod can sustain one person for about a week cooking. You dont need much to spice up an arbitrary dish. Having a B. Jolokia plant is actually a time investment which can be considered smart regarding the usage you can have for the pods. But that is my humble opinion and probably do not apply to everyone.
Chocolate Jolokia ( Capsicum Chinense)
Height: 65 cm
Width : 80 cm
Size of container: 12 litres plastic container.
Amount of flowers: 20 +- 5
Amount of Pods: 4
Pollination difficulties from 1-10 1 = easiest 10 = hardest : 8
Comments: Have not pollinated this plant much. I am not out after much fruits. I am more out after the knowledge about the plant. How hard it is to pollinate, the taste of the pods etc.
Naga Morich ( Capsicum Chinense)
Height: 45 cm
Width : 60 cm
Size of container: 3,5 litres plastic container.
Amount of flowers: 5
Amount of Pods: 3
Pollination difficulties from 1-10 1 = easiest 10 = hardest : 6
Comments: The biggest pod of Naga Morich is bigger then the biggest B. Jolokia Pod. I have previously given a reasonable explanation for that. I am looking forward to continue the comparison with the B. Jolokia when it comes to pod taste.
Red Savina ( Capsicum Chinense)
Height: 45 cm
Width : 55 cm
Size of container: 3,5 litres plastic container.
Amount of flowers: 30 +- 8
Amount of Pods: 0
Pollination difficulties from 1-10 1 = easiest 10 = hardest : 7
Comments: I have pollinated this one several times. But due to poor light conditions it has failed.
Caribbean Red II ( capsicum chinense)
Height: 20 cm
Width : 50 cm
Size of container: 1,5 litre plastic container.
Amount of flowers: 20 +- 5
Amount of Pods: 3
Pollination difficulties from 1-10 1 = easiest 10 = hardest : 4
Comments: Seems easy to pollinate. I like the fact that it manages well in the small container.
Long Slim Cayenne ( capsicum annuum)
Height: 55 cm
Width:40 cm
Size of container : 3,5 litre plastic container.
Amount of flowers: 10
Amount of pods: 8
Pollination difficulties from 1-10 1 = easiet 10 = hardest : 3
Comments: Pods can have different shapes and curves on this one. Looks pretty funny.
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet ( Capsicum Chinense)
Height:80 cm
Width:105 cm
Size of container : 12 litre plastic container.
Amount of flowers: a LOT ( maybe 100 ?)
Amount of pods: 5 ?
Pollination difficulties from 1-10 1 = easiet 10 = hardest : 5
Comments : At LAST, success!! I have been working hard on to get fruit on this one. Now when I pollinate it it seems much easier then before. Must be the Nitrogene running out and plant is interested in blooming/fruiting stage now. I thought it was hard to pollinate at first. But the pollination difficulty is depended on what kind of stage the plant is in.
Pimenta De Neyde (Capsicum chinense x capsicum Annuum)
Height: 90 cm
Width: 40 cm
Size of container : 12 litre plastic container.
Amount of flowers: 10
Amount of pods: 0
Pollination difficulties from 1-10 1 = easiet 10 = hardest : 8
Comments: I think this one shows the same problem as the Chocolate Scotch Bonnet did. It has too much Nitrogene in the soil and aims for growth. It is a matter of time when that business is done. As soon as the Nitrogene has expired I have promised myself not to do the misstake to boost a plant with too much Nitrogene.
Seven Pod ( capsicum chinense)
Height: 55 cm
Width: 20 cm
Size of container : 3,5 litre plastic container.
Amount of flowers: 0
Amount of pods: 0
Pollination difficulties from 1-10 1 = easiet 10 = hardest : unknown
Comments: This plant was at my neighbour. Due to very favorable light conditions. I can present some raw data. I have a seven pod on my window seat that sprouted at the same time. That one is 15 cm tall. This one is 55 cm. Good light = good growth. No doubt about it.
Rocoto Orange ( Capsicum pubescens)
Height: 30 cm
Width: 100 cm
Size of container : 1,5 litre plastic container.
Amount of flowers: 0
Amount of pods:0
Pollination difficulties from 1-10 1 = easiet 10 = hardest : unknown
Comments: This is also one of my plant that was at my neighbour due to poor light conditions at my home. Notice the abnorm width in relation to the height. I need to support this one badly. Due to the world championsship in football. This has not been done yet.
Pirri-Pirri ( Capsicum Frutescens)
Height: 20 cm
Width: too small to be measured.
Size of container : 3,5 litre plastic container.
Amount of flowers: 0
Amount of pods: 0
Pollination difficulties from 1-10 1 = easiet 10 = hardest : 1
Comments: I obtained some seeds from my friend Carl. This is an extremely prolific plant which gives pods easily. It can manage poor light conditions too. So I needed to try this. I am looking forward to test the plant during bad conditions. To see how good it can manage it.
måndag 14 juni 2010
My mother tasted a bit of the B. Jolokia
I said "Mom, taste this small bit."
"If you taste it first ......go ahead" she said with a grin on her face.
I took a nibble and tried to hide my real feelings with all my will. A blank expression was the only emotion revealed by my face. My mom looked puzzled. As if waiting for an indication of what the strongest fruit in the world is really capable of. Then I said "See, there is no problem. I will even give you a smaller piece" I offered her a bit of the B. Jolokia in a friendly manner.
My mom who grow up in real rough conditions having gone through war and everything could
not deny the challenge. Her pride was too strong. I knew it. The trap was set. She took a piece and put it on the tongue. What happened after was some surprisingly quick action from
a 55-year old lady. She spit the piece of Jolokia out on the floor. Run to the sink in the kitchen.
In a fluid motion she opened the water tap and started to gulp the water greedily.
Then she turned at me, her eyebrows furrowed, her eyes glaring angrily at me. " What the HELL was that??????" She said, holding her lips in agony.
I myself was giggling my ass off. She actually took a bit that was less then 0,5 mm in size. I asked her innocently " You mean it was too hot to be used in cooking???"
"If you taste it first ......go ahead" she said with a grin on her face.
I took a nibble and tried to hide my real feelings with all my will. A blank expression was the only emotion revealed by my face. My mom looked puzzled. As if waiting for an indication of what the strongest fruit in the world is really capable of. Then I said "See, there is no problem. I will even give you a smaller piece" I offered her a bit of the B. Jolokia in a friendly manner.
My mom who grow up in real rough conditions having gone through war and everything could
not deny the challenge. Her pride was too strong. I knew it. The trap was set. She took a piece and put it on the tongue. What happened after was some surprisingly quick action from
a 55-year old lady. She spit the piece of Jolokia out on the floor. Run to the sink in the kitchen.
In a fluid motion she opened the water tap and started to gulp the water greedily.
Then she turned at me, her eyebrows furrowed, her eyes glaring angrily at me. " What the HELL was that??????" She said, holding her lips in agony.
I myself was giggling my ass off. She actually took a bit that was less then 0,5 mm in size. I asked her innocently " You mean it was too hot to be used in cooking???"
Sequoiadendron Giganteum ( Giant Redwood Tree)
The Verdict Of The Bhut Jolokia
It is time...........
The Plant has some mature fruit going on. The important procedure of seed collection can begin. Along with that, the more uncertain experiment of tasting the B. Jolokia.
A pair of scissors. Along with 2 plastic bag/gloves is needed to cut up the fruit.
I dont want to cut the fruit with my hands and then "accidentally" hold my "mojo" while taking a piss. Especially not when it comes to cutting up the hottest chile pepper fruit in the world. Precautional method when working with this devil fruit is essential.
Attacking the plant with my tools........all I need is one fruit. The one that is getting a bit soft. The fruit age is 55 days old exactly. And the plant age is approximately 200 days old.
My B. Jolokia is a bit restricted. It lives in a 3,5 litre container. Pod size is thereafter. This is actually the biggest pod on the plant. It is 3,5 cm long.
Cutting the Pod open. I was a bit eager to see how
many seeds I could get from the pod. After a count I got 16 seeds from this pod. Realizing I have 12 fruits going on and those fruits are smaller. Then a reasonable estimation of amount of seeds should be 12*7 = 84 seeds. Let us make it approximately 60 seeds from my B. Jolokia plant to be on the safe side. I got enough seeds for friends and for myself to next season should I want to plant this devil bush again.
Time to taste this "dragon breath" fruit.
I quickly made up my mind to start only with small bits of pieces. That way to avoid a hospital visit. Just in case....
I put totally a quarter of the B. Jolokia fruit in my Pasta Bolognese. The heat was remarkable to say the least. But the taste was surprisingly very very very..........good.
That amazed me most. The intense taste from a fruit that you just have picked. I can not describe the satisfying sensational feeling I got out of it. You felt a delicate freshness with a mixture of a "scud missile" hitting your lips. The one thing I can do is to recommend you to try it.
I would start with very small pieces first though. To get a feeling of how much one needs. In my case 1/4 was quite a lot. I realize it now because my stomach goes " Hey, what the heck is going on??".
With some bad luck, I might be shitting blood tomorrow ?????
Fruit of Chocolate Scotch Bonnet
lördag 12 juni 2010
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet fruit
Officially got fruit of the variety Chocolate Scotch Bonnet.
2010-06-11. Was about time. The plant probably dont have that much
Nitrogene left in the soil? Lots of flowers on the Chocolate Scotch Bonnet.
Funny thing is that the B. Jolokia who had a lot of flowers before now
has like 10 flowers going on at most. It is probably focusing on its fruiting
stage only.
2010-06-11. Was about time. The plant probably dont have that much
Nitrogene left in the soil? Lots of flowers on the Chocolate Scotch Bonnet.
Funny thing is that the B. Jolokia who had a lot of flowers before now
has like 10 flowers going on at most. It is probably focusing on its fruiting
stage only.
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